Research team

Miloš Kosterec

Miloš Kosterec is the project's principal investigator. He is based at the Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences, public research institution, Slovakia. He has published in leading philosophical journals, such as Erkenntnis, Synthese, Journal of Philosophical Logic, and Analysis. He received several national awards for his work. In the project, he will explore the use of divine names in modal contexts as well as their applications in arguments concerning such contexts. He also investigates the semantic theories of empty or fictional names within the framework of Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL). He studies the formal properties of the system as well as its applications within a wide range of philosophical problems (the problem of logics for hyperintensional contexts, the problems of co-hyperintensionality, (intensional) essentialism, the problem of varying domains of universe, and so forth). He also focuses on the type assignment to the putative names of gods and the correct model of their hyperintensional counterparts within the framework of TIL. The investigation also consists in checking the strengths of TIL with respect to various metaphysical assumptions concerning the denotata (if any) of such terms.

Mirco Sambrotta

Mirco Sambrotta, the project's Deputy Principal Investigator, is a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences, public research institution, Slovakia. His research interests revolve primarily around language and metaontology, with a particular emphasis on non-representationalist and non-descriptivist (especially inferentialist) approaches to modal claims—an alignment that closely mirrors the project';s objectives. Sambrotta's academic journey includes earning his Ph.D. with honours and international accreditation in 2019 from the Department of Philosophy I, University of Granada, Spain. The findings of his dissertation have been disseminated through various publications in esteemed peer-reviewed journals and reputable publishing houses. Beyond his dissertation, Sambrotta actively engages in scholarly activities, such as editing volumes and curating special issues. He presently holds a Štefan Schwarz Fellowship and was awarded a scholarship by the OeAD - Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalization in 2022, facilitating his role in teaching positions at the University of Vienna (winter semester 2023).

Daniela Vacek

Daniela Vacek (née Glavaničová) a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences, public research institution, and at Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. She focuses on Transparent intensional logic (TIL), analytic aesthetics, responsibility, deontic logic and (ethics and law of) artificial intelligence. In 2018, she was a visiting postgraduate student at the University of York, UK. She defended her dissertation in 2020. In 2021, she received an award for young researchers from Slovak Academy of Sciences. She was visiting the University College London/University of Oxford based ERC project Roots of Responsibility during the second term of 2021/2022. She has published papers in leading journals such as Analysis, Erkenntnis, British Journal of Aesthetics, Science and Engineering Ethics, Logic and Logical Philosophy, Estetika, Ethics and Information Technology, among others. In the project, she focuses on the semantics of divine names.

Martin Vacek

Martin Vacek is a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy (Slovak Academy of Sciences). His main research interests are metaphysics, especially modality and impossible worlds. In the project, he investigates the philosophical implications of hyperintensional views on God, namely its logic, existence, and reference.

Matteo Pascucci

Matteo Pascucci is a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. He supports the development of the project with his work in the area of modal logic.

Marie Duží

Marie Duží is a project member and a full professor of computer science at the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. She is one of the leading figures in TIL. She graduated in mathematics and worked in various software companies in then Czechoslovakia. After the revolution, she became an assistant professor at the Charles University of Prague. In 2010, she published (with Bjørn Jespersen and Pavel Materna) the book Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic; Foundations and Applications of Transparent Intensional Logic, Berlin: Springer. In this book, the development of TIL theoretical foundations and their practical applications have been presented. Marie Duží has dealt with many applications of TIL in natural-language processing: propositional and notional attitudes, property modifiers, tenses and truth conditions, topic-focus articulation, presupposition, among others. She also applied TIL in the analysis and design of question-answering systems over large corpora of natural language texts and in multi-agent systems. Another area under her scrutiny was the analysis of St. Anselm's ontological arguments, particularly that of Proslogion III, which was first analysed by Pavel Tichý in his 1979 paper. She published more than a hundred papers indexed in WoS and Scopus and three books mostly on TIL, gave invited talks all over the world and participated in many significant conferences.

C. Naomi Osorio-Kupferblum

C. Naomi Osorio-Kupferblum is a project member based at the Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences, public research institution, Slovakia, and at the University of Vienna. Her research interests relevant to the project are in the philosophy of logic & language, as well as metaphysics; outside the project, she is also interested in the philosophy of language & mind, and she has published in all three areas. She was educated at the Universities of Vienna and Oxford, has taught at Vienna since 2008 and held a research position previously at the SAS in
2019. Before her membership in the current project, she was a Hertha-Firnberg fellow (JRF) at Vienna from 2020 - 2023, a member at the Pavel Tichý project at SAV, and from January to June 2023 an academic visitor at Oxford University.

Manuel García-Carpintero

Manuel García-Carpintero was born in Daimiel (Ciudad Real, Spain) in 1957. He got his "Licenciatura" ( ≈ BA) at the University of Barcelona (1979) and his PhD also at the University of Barcelona (1988), where he has taught since 1984, after teaching at secondary schools between 1979 and 1984. He visited the CSLI, Stanford University, for one academic year (1990-91), and for three-month periods the philosophy departments at MIT (1992), NYU (1997), Oxford (1998) and Lisbon (2011, 2012). He was a fellow at the Center for the Advanced Studies in the Humanities (Edinburgh, 2001), and he has been appointed Visiting Professor at the University of Lisbon (2013-2016, 2016-2020, 2021-24), where he is a member of LanCog, CFUL. His main interests are in philosophical logic, the philosophy of language, the philosophy of mind and related epistemological and metaphysical issues. He was awarded a "Distinció de Recerca" for senior researchers by the Catalan Government between 2002 and 2008, and in 2008 (2009-2013), 2013 (2014-2018) and 2018 (2019-24) the prize "ICREA Acadèmia" for excellence in research, also funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya. He is completing a book on the nature of assertion under contract with OUP, entitled Tell Me What You Know, and another on fiction for CUP.

Irakli Chedia

Irakli Chedia is a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences, public research institution, Slovakia. He is also an associate professor and lecturer at the Georgian American University (GAU) in Tbilisi, Georgia. His main research interests are phenomenology, Artificial Intelligence and ultramodern technologies, idea of God, and Transparent Intensional Logic. He has conducted and taken part in organizing numerous lectures and workshops on various topics in Slovakia and abroad. Right now, he is focused on the research of various ideologies that have tried to replace the notion of God and religion.

Marián Zouhar

Marián Zouhar is a project member based at the Comenius University, Slovakia.

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